2010 Eagle Point Railroad Engineer's Track Orientation Form

This is an open book quiz and is required by the Insurance Carrier of all who operate alone on the EPRR. It is intended to be sure everyone is familiar with safe operations on the EPRR. Circle, check or fill in answer blanks with best answer according to EPRR Operations. After operating alone on the railroad, you will appreciate this short quiz.

1: Name (print please):

2. Who is required to have a familiarization ride?
a. ___Conductor b. ___Locomotive Owner c. ___Locomotive Engineers

3. Which operating guidelines apply for safe operation?
a. ___EPRR Operating Guidelines b. ___US Live Steam Standard Guidelines c. ___Tennessee Amusement Regulatory Board d. ___Other established club rules

4. T-F Safety chains or wires are required at all times a car is moved by a locomotive. ___True ___False

5. Which has priority over train movements on the main line?
a. ___Dispatcher b. ___Engineers via radio or hand signals c. ___Block signals

6. Other than, Must be able to stop in less than ½ of your sight distance or 50', what are the speed limits?
Mainline _____ MPH Yard _____ MPH

7. How close may you follow another moving train? ___30' ___ 60' ___ 90'

8. What do the different color buttons on the posts control? Match letter to color.
Button Select a Function
Gray _____ a. Capture the block ahead
Green _____ b. Release the block you are leaving
Orange _____ c. Ignore post (it is for trains moving other direction)
Red _____ d. Control motorized turnout ahead

9. What do the color block signal lights indicate, as you "arrive" at signal? Match letter to color.
Green ____ a. Train coming towards you, STOP, wait for green
Red ____ b. Train ahead going away from you, STOP, wait for green
Yellow ___ c. Block clear, okay to capture and proceed on yellow

10. When running two or three trains together, what rules apply?
a. ___ First train must acknowledge ALL following trains before proceeding. b. ___First unit captures, last unit releases signals.
c. ___ All trains must be together (within sight of each other) to capture a block and proceed. d. ___ All previous answers

CSME Orientation Ride by (print): _______________________________ Date: ____________

You may print this out, complete it and bring it with you or one will be provided at the railroad.